Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Video Coming Tomorrow Morning! (Or uh, today, since this post was finished by this morning)

All the work, delaying irrelevant homework, juggling two jobs and full-time school in such a way that allows me to spend a little time on the projects that actually matter is about to pay off.

Will the camera's potential energy go kinetic at any moment? That's what I wonder every time I haul that thing on my PC.
The editing is finished, the recording is properly mixed, the quality raised to HD. There's only a few more things to add and then, tomorrow morning at long last, my terribly amateur video will make its way from my brain's womb out into the open, probably looking as hideous and lizard-like as most babies do at that point.

I'm keenly aware that nothing will come of this. I could barely get half my friends to come out to goof off with me for the final shoot. At best it'll be a fun inside joke between pals, at worst someone on reddit will notice it exists.

For me the victory comes in finishing the project. It's the beginning of the most important of processes, one where all the wheels of the kinds of creativity I value most turn endlessly and at breakneck speeds to produce something new and different. You see this is all very much new to me, and I don't look at my creative output at this juncture as anything financially viable as much as I view it as a hopeful learning experience that may at some future date open up avenues to opportunities that will translate into something more substantive. 

 In the meantime, my room is clean, the homework is done, I've got work, there's a beautiful girl in my life and things are good. =)

I'll be up bright and early tom-...oh it's one in the morning. Well, I'll be up in a few hours and after work I'll finish the video and upload it for your viewing pleasure/disdain/whateveritisyoutubersliketodothesedays.


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