Monday, February 8, 2016

Acting Debut and Video Editing

Psych, no debut here, but the video's complete. I just finished recording the music for, editing, and mixing a silly ad for the undeniably rad board-game reviewing website, SPACE-BIFF!.

Space-Biff!, in all its unfettered, board-gaming glory. Evolution is an awesome game btw.

That's not the game we did a video for, but my goodness. Evolution is awesome. If you want an amazing, reasonably accurate paleontological experience then look no further (with the notable exceptions of Greenland and Neanderthal), because this game's got it all.

Before this turns into a review for a board game, let me just say what a blast it was acting and editing once again for the same bit of film. Obviously there was a different director and clearly a better camera at work, but it was still fun. It helps that the director is my best pal in the universe and I'll pretty much do anything he asks short of cutting off my generations forever. 

Cause' you know...I want one of these! And not just for the bathroom stall.

There was music involved too...I did write and record it. But I won't be posting it here because it was uh, very much not a stand-alone piece. Yeah, that's how I'll put it. The director, no less than the great Dan Thurot (Thur-OHt), told me he loved it, but it's not a style I do all the time so I'm not as comfortable spreading it all across the internets like I would jelly over toast on a particularly hunger-inducing morning. 

But when it's up I won't stop you from watching it, nor will I shy away from admitting the music is my own. Dan told me it'll be up sometime this week when he does a review for the game DRAGON PUNCH, and then I'll also post the link here for your viewing pleasure, heh.

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