Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dance That Noise Away Music Video Complete

Alright it's up! At long last, the reason behind my massive canker sores and raging colds comes to a conclusion. I might get to sleep for an hour tonight.

As was mentioned before, there were a ton of things to learn from this project. Perhaps mostly how to improve for next time. Using less auto-focus, having way more prep time, using better lighting for slow motion shots, not being late for the shoots you planned to the point where one of your extras is starting to lose her health because you've held her to the point where she isn't taking her meds. You know, things like that. 

Perhaps a more positive thing that was gleaned from this situationally ambitious project was what I'm capable of producing in a very short period of time. It took me approximately twelve hours to write the song, record it, mix and master. It took another twelve to sixteen for the filming, cutting, editing and final production of the whole video. Granted, there were a lot of flaws remaining in both due to the time constraints; nevertheless, the process illuminated interesting new possibilities. Like uploading a simpler song per day while working on more ambitious songs and videos in the interim. 

I doubt I'll actually be able to upload a song per day, but to do so with increased frequency is certainly an ambition of mine now that I've gone through this rather fun process once. So pull out your aural filters and get ready for a McDonald's speed production of day old music, because that's the next experiment on my docket. 

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