Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Realities of Aging.

Fear mortals, for the night of Dracula's power approacheth. One centimeter of receding hairline a day.

I refuse to accept this. I'll get hair plugs if I have to.
'How stunning are the changes which age makes in a man while he sleeps!' murmured Mark Twain darkly one morning after seeing his newly bedraggled, ruin of a face in the mirror. That's what I imagine evoked this quote from no prolific reader's favorite author. My body can relate Mr. Twain, though its complaints have less to do with my face (which some still feel makes me look 23) and more to do with my legs (which some still feel makes me look like I accidentally locked myself in my room for a month). 

And other things, if I'm honest. So I made a New Year's resolution (cue jeering snickers) to not necessarily work out every day mind you, but at least make an appearance at the gym. Note the significant distinction. You see I have faith in my capacity to make that first step happen every day. I don't believe for two seconds that I would actually follow through on BOTH steps more than three days straight. Yet, I do believe that if I only think of the first step and commit to that, that some logical part of me will awaken enough from that journey and urge me in the door once I reach my location of choice. Time will tell.

Those aren't Star Wars socks. I have no idea what you're talking about.
So I did leg day and ow. I'd forgotten how much I don't  like going to the gym. Then came that moment afterwards when you finish, feel so good, and write a revisionist history in your mind about how you think the gym is great, only to realize the next morning when it's time to go again just how untrue that sentiment was.

Still, go I must. If not for my own health, for the sake of the small degree of athleticism required for competitive musical performance. I mean, If I can't dance like Beyonce while playing like Charlie Parker without breaking a sweat or losing my breath, do I even have a realistic shot at anything in life? No, definitely not. Certainly nothing music-related. I doubt I could even get hired on as a garbage man without making a pronounced self-adulatory hip-thrust.

All that aside, it's increasingly crucial for exercise to factor in as a part of my daily routine in order to improve regulated breathing, support, lung capacity...and y'know, to prevent the inevitable future back problems everyone with 4'0 long legs suffers without regular maintenance. 

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