Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sad Day on The Freeway, A Productive One At MDH Central.

Thousands of officers in their vehicles took to the I-15 today to honor their fallen comrade Doug Barney. It was quite a sight. I've never seen such a vast showing for the death of a single individual before in person. It started with a host of roughly 40 police motorcycles riding in lines before a steady trickle of police vehicles began pouring in from every exit south of Murray.

*Insert something tasteful here*

I was awe-struck by the scope of the procession and maaaaay have been slightly late to work because of it. But I'll live.

I got home later that day and jumped back into work on a song I'm really getting into. Here's a small sample of it. Sort of reminds me of a certain Queen classic, but I can't help myself. Queen was rad.

Yeah, every time I hear it, there's a small voice in the back of my head screaming, "WEEE WILL WEEE WILL ROCK YOU!"

P.S. That app up there is pretty awful. Sorry about that. If it's giving you trouble just hit the refresh button and remember, I in no way suggest you use podsnack. I'm pretty sure there are like, 10 better options out there, but I was lazy and wanted something quick today so I settled for this heap of insidious crap because it at least didn't have malware.


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