Friday, June 17, 2016

Correction of dates

So, as hard as this may be for some of you to believe, it's time I confessed the truth- I have erred.

No, I didn't 'overstay' in Vegas, nor have I lost all my savings in one of my airports ten thousand slot machines.

I have, however, failed to schedule properly. You see I promised perhaps a little carelessly in the last blog post that my music would be up today, so certain was I that there was adequate time. Which, under normal circumstances would be true.

Alas, as some of you may remember, my little brother is getting married. I'm happy for him of course, his fiancé is nothing short of lovely, but it's inconvenient timing to be a best man at a Mormon wedding ceremony two states away while writing in a very time-consuming style of music.

I'm not bitter of course! No no no, not in the slightest. As I piddle away the time on my phone here, I genuinely look forward to raising my glass of orange juice or overly chlorinated city water in an over-the-top toast to mini-me and his wife to be.

But seriously Stephen, I'm all for short engagements but couldn't you have at least given me one more week before getting married so I could've kept to my word that I now won't be able to keep because of this event you warned me about three months in advance?!

Short story- next Saturday's the day. It's lovely visiting family. I need to manage my schedule more effectively, and it is so weird how I feel like I'm in a prologue to Fallout New Vegas. Cheers!

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