Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Child Dreams of Flying

New Track- A Child Dreams of Flying.

I feel like this track deserves some explanation, because it's clearly not as cleanly cut as the others. My mission this year is to produce as much music as possible, to write as though writing bears the same brutish tendency to chain its victims that meth does. So rather than spend countless hours editing and practicing each piece to near perfection, I'm contented to work on a song for a few days max and then move on to the next thing.

Music, as with all acquirable skills, is like a tree. It can become huge, but only gradually.

Now that might seem counter-intuitive, and in the present marketplace it certainly is. People have had their palates for music shaped in much the same way the porn industry has so masterfully and asshatedly skewed man's vision of what an ideal woman is- nothing more than a brainless set of perfectly symmetrical curves exaggerated by photoshop and airbrushed to perfection by similar software. We're constantly fed the same thing every meal, brainwashed into believing it represents the ideal and many casually accept that ideal as fact. Though admittedly, I undergo a similar process when I listen to my own music over and over. I suppose the main difference is I don't have to be told whether or not it passes a series of tests required to enjoy it.

You'll like what we TELL you to like, you hear? -Music Intelligentsia

To sum up, my music will inevitably sound a bit rough over the course of the next year, with few if any exceptions. And honestly, I'm looking forward to that.

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