Monday, May 30, 2016

The Moon Boys hit Velour June 30th

Now that all's relatively well and settled in, I've gotten back into the swing of things with the Bowie tribute band I was graciously permitted to join. A little to my surprise, we're already headed into paid gig territory with a job down in Provo at the end of the month and, get this- several megaplex movie theaters.

My lifelong dream of seeing Billy Joel play Billy the Kid by
concessions as I go in to watch a Western may soon become a reality.

Believe me when I say I'm with you on this. Combining the magic of a movie-going experience with the often bizarre but relentlessly catchy tone of Bowie isn't exactly what I would call a recipe for a successful entertainment atmosphere (cult-favorite Labyrinth aside), but be it far from me to advise people in charge to not pay the delicious amounts they will for us to do short, back to back shows in an attempt to...make concessions more exciting I guess? Though to be fair it would be fun to hear Billy Joel sing, "And they sit at the stand and slide cred through my hands, saying why in hell's name are you here??' as passersby stare wide-eyed in confusion.

$50 hot dogs have never been more exciting.

Before this turns into an overdrawn rant about setting contrasts and where they clearly don't work, let me go back to what the title implies and say I'm tentatively excited to go back to the Velour. It's been a few years since I've had the privilege of sinking into the half moth-eaten ball of fur they call a couch in the VIP room and basked in the glamour and spotlight of Provo's most lavish bathroom-stall/1960s upper-middle class living room- styled concert hall (I really do have fond memories of the place, hyperbole notwithstanding). It promises to be a fun time and happy reunion with people whose company I already miss dearly. 

The show will feature a band led by the director of The Strike, and of course Major Tom's group of hardened music veterans (and me) paying homage to Prince and everyone's second or third favorite cross-dresser in the 70s. 

Another inexplicably unknown band at the Velour dreams of making it big in the 21st century music industry without substantive training or a degree.

Once again, into the breach.

Monday, May 9, 2016

PayPal is awful.

Becoming a merchant of my own wares is teaching me a lot about independent work quickly. One being that PayPal is everywhere. Two being that it is downright awful. In response to my growing disdain for that site, I've customized the store to accept credit cards at long last. Cheers!